A weekly display of the best fresh and seasonal organic fruit and veg we can source . Our fruit and Veg delivery usually arrives on a Tuesday for midday.
Fresh artisan are available every day from opening northern rye bakery.
A full range of organic dried goods available in eco-friendly packaging or loose at the counter.
We offer refills for household cleaning products as well as beauty products.
The opportunity to order whole cases of ambient products direct from our wholesalers.
A full selection of local speciality meats from piercebridge organic farm. We have beef, pork, lamb and chicken available frozen.
A full selection of the best northumbrian foods we can source – from fresh curry sauces to Kimchi, including coffee, jam’s , chutneys and cordial
A full range of organic household groceries as well as a selection of health foods
A full range of health care supplements from natures’ aid.
A well laid out shop, well ventilated and attractive shop . , and a shop which constantly suprises new customers with how many lines we manage to sell in only a medium sized shop.
A friendly and polite in-store service, with 20 years of experience carefully selecting and soucrcing foods which prioritises the health and welfare of all involved.